Browsing Posts published in June, 2011

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="320" caption="Printer Carcass Ready For Use"]Stripped Inkjet Printer[/caption]

So you’d like to play with servo motor control would you? Well hopefully you’ve come to the right place and we’ll actually be able to learn you a thing or two. In this next segment we’re going to learn about some of the internals of an old inkjet printer and how to recycle it to serve our purposes. This is obviously part 2 of the series, where you’ll strip down the printer and prepare it for integration with EMC2.

Earlier this week our area was hit by a couple severe thunderstorms.  Of course this resulted in many areas having their power knocked out including my office.  During the follow up to having all our servers taken offline when the UPS batteries were exhausted I was following the progress of Toronto Hydro with this nifty […]

Galvin over at On Shoulders has started his new season with OpenSCAD for 3D printing.  While historically I’m a SolidWorks user myself, I look forward to this offering and trying it for myself.